It's (Not) Complicated (Engine Air Filter)

March 23, 2025

While many components of your vehicle are complex and composed of lots of mechanical and electrical parts, there's one that isn't complicated but still important. It's your engine air filter. (And, we should point out, the engine air filter isn't to be confused with the cabin air filter. The ca... More

Put the Brakes On! (Brake Caliper Replacement)

March 16, 2025

Keeping your vehicle's brakes in top shape is one of the most important things you can do for your safety and those on the road with you. Most drivers know a little about brake pads and rotors but maybe not so much about another brake component called the calipers. Disc brakes work by a mechanica... More

What Is an EGR Valve? (EGR Valve Service)

March 9, 2025

If you've ever felt your vehicle hesitate, go, then hesitate again, you might think there's something wrong with the transmission. After all, it's not moving smoothly down the road. But there are plenty of malfunctions that can cause those symptoms, one of them being something you may have nev... More

Water Everywhere (Clogged Drains)

March 2, 2025

It's bad enough when you mistakenly leave a window open in your vehicle on a rainy day and you find your carpet soaked. But what in the world is going on when your windows are closed tight, not leaking and you STILL wind up with wet carpet? The answer could be something you might not even know y... More

Don't Do It Yourself (Perils of DIY Vehicle Repair)

February 23, 2025

Your vehicle is a complicated machine, and yes, it would be nice if you could take care of all of its problems yourself. There was a time when vehicles were simpler and it wasn't too hard for a weekend mechanic to replace brakes, adjust a carburetor or perform a tune-up. But vehicles are far mo... More

Busted! Air Conditioning (Air Conditioning Maintenance)

February 16, 2025

Your vehicle's air conditioning is something you count on when the weather heats up. But there's bound to be a day when you turn it on and one of these things happens: Only warm air blows out Cold air starts blowing out but then it turns warm on its own It's not blowing air at all It blows smel... More

Take Charge! (Battery Testing)

February 9, 2025

OK, so you probably take your vehicle's battery for granted. Turn the key or push a button and it starts right up. During times of warmer weather, you probably think your battery can take it easy. But it may surprise you to learn that hot weather can be much harder on a vehicle's battery than ... More

DOG FOOD IN YOUR ENGINE (Keeping Rodents out of your Engine)

February 2, 2025

A technician was telling us the other day that he was servicing an engine and spotted something he'd never seen before: A collection of dry dog food siting on a horizontal metal ledge near the base of the engine. It was neatly stashed and was in a spot where the food pellets couldn't have simply... More

Strutting Your Stuff (Shocks and Struts)

January 26, 2025

Ever wonder how your vehicle is able to move over bumps, potholes and other irregularities in the road and you hardly feel a vibration in the cabin? Its your shocks and struts doing the hard work along with the rest of your suspension and tires. They keep the ride smooth and are important for yo... More

Bad Vibrations (Brake Rotor Replacement)

January 19, 2025

If youve ever stepped on your brake pedal and felt your vehicle vibrate, thats a signal that you shouldnt ignore. A pulsating brake pedal is a sign that something is wrong. Braking action should be smooth, sure, and quiet, not shaky and noisy. Most newer vehicles have disc brakes, called that b... More